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How do I become ELIGIBLE for CWS?
How do I see the CWS jobs available?
  1. Go to (ACES login required) 
  2. Click on Work-Study and Internship Opportunities, under Position Type select Community Work-Study and review the postings that end in CWS
  3. Select up to three positions that interest you. Ideally, that are aligned with your field of study (major)
How is CWS different from on–campus work-study?
  • Workplace etiquette, professionalism, and appropriate dress is expected
  • Employers depend on your reliability and consistency with your regular work schedule
  • You are required to attend an Onboarding Session (4 hours, paid) at the end of the first month you are employed
  • You are required to attend the End-of-Semester Summit (2 hours, paid) at the end of each semester 
What is the CWS Calendar?

CWS students may begin working on the first day of class through the last day of class each semester. CWS students may work through college breaks and holidays, if they chose, so long as the employer provides supervision, and you remain work-study eligible. 

What is my commitment and how will I be paid?

When you accept a CWS job, you are committing to remaining with the employer for a minimum of one semester. Your position can be extended if the employer invites you to remain with them for the next semester.

You will determine your weekly schedule with your supervisor on the first day of work. The employer is required to work around your class schedule.

You may work up to 19 hours per week, based on your funding available, at the same pay rate as on-campus work-study students.

You will be paid on the 1st and the 15th of each month.

What type of CWS positions are available?

The following is a brief list of the over 250 positions available through the CWS program.

Accounting Assistant
Afterschool Program Assistant
Animal Care Receptionist
Archival Assistant
Business Administration Intern
Child Development Teacher
Community Kitchen Intern
Data and Records Assistant
Mental Health Assistant

Farmers Market Assistant
Finance Assistant
Garden Worker
Graphic Designer
Health Clinic Assistant
Hospital Community Liaison
HR Specialist
IT Specialist
Library Assistant

Marketing Associate
Media Intern
Radio Production Intern
Real Estate Leasing Assistant
Social Service Worker
STEM Club Assistant
Theater Scenic Assistant
Theater Box Office Attendant
Wellness Center Assistant
Youth Group Facilitator

To see the list of CWS positions, go to (via ACES).

Click on Work-Study and Internship Opportunities

Under Position Type select Community Work-Study

Review the postings that end in CWS.

What community agencies provide these work-study opportunities?

Below is a list of some of the CWS employers eager to hire Alamo Colleges work-study students. 

AES Literacy Institute
American Indians of Texas
Apple Community Development Corporation
Army Residence Community
Ascension DePaul Services
Boy Scouts of America
Boys & Girls Club of San Antonio
Children Matter
Christus Santa Rosa
City of Converse
City of Kirby
City of San Antonio
Classical Music Institute
Dallas Free Press
East Central ISD.
Education Service Center, Region 20
Edwards Aquifer Authority
Empowering the Masses
Family Service Association

Gabriella’s Smile Foundation
Gardopia Gardens
Girls Inc. of San Antonio
Greater Randolph Area Services Program
Harlandale ISD.
I Care San Antonio
Lackland ISD
Latched Support
Lighthouse Public Schools
Luminary Ministrie
Methodist Healthcare Ministries
Mexican American Unity Council
Mitchell Lake Audubon Center
National Alliance on Mental Illness San Antonio
Oasis Center
Project 10:27 INC
Prosper West San Antonio
Rise, Inc.
SA Hope Center

San Antonio Botanical Garden
San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness
San Antonio Food Bank
San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
San Antonio Railroad Heritage Museum, Inc.
St. Vinny’s Bistro
Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Texas Public Radio
The Bexar County Health Collaborative
The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society
The WEX Foundation
United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County
United Ways of Texas
Witte Museum
World Affairs Council of San Antonio

To see the list of CWS positions, go to (via ACES).

Click on Work-Study and Internship Opportunities

Under Position Type select Community Work-Study

Review the postings that end in CWS.

How do I APPLY?

Step 1. Submit Application

Step 2. Select Jobs

  • See the CWS jobs on the job board at (goes through ACES)
  • On left, click on Work-Study Opportunities
  • Then click on Employment Opportunities
  • Select Position Type: Community Work-Study, click Search
  • On right margin, select Sort By option
  • Click Search
  • Navigate to the bottom of the page to load all CWS Positions
  • Select up to 3 CWS jobs

Step 3. Format your Resume

Step 4. Complete the Human Resources process

  • Sign Documents
    • HR documents (Adobe Sign)
    • Background Check (email from HIRE Right)
    • ID verification (I9 Tracker)
  • Submit IDs/Bank information
    • Two current IDs (License or State ID or Alamo Student ID & Social Security Card or Official Birth Certificate or US Passport)
    • Direct deposit (A voided check, or direct deposit information from the bank)

Step 5. Interview; Start Job

  • Accept job when offered a position
  • Read the Off-Campus Work-Study Student Handbook
  • Start job

Questions about CWS


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